
作者:裴玄智 朝代:汉朝诗人
LI Yu – Lyrics to the Melody of Congratulations to the GroomFrom the gold burner scatter twirls of smoke in seal *,Deep in a hangover I am, in the shade is the courtyard in the afternoon,The hall is quiet and undisturbed.Where are those noblemen in search of fragrant verdure?There are only willow catkins drifting over the paths.On a jade pillow, slowly I sober become,Beyond the screen scatter the remains of blossoms after spring has passed,Steeped in tedium, I'm weak and weary from the wine I drank.Messy is my hair, though for now I don't feel like combing it.I shall not dwell on what happened in the Yangtze's south,I've travelled from place to place in search of his whereabouts,Unfortunately stray wild geese(...)
yuán yuè màn màn luò xià wū shān shēn xiá ,yóu zì bèi bái dì chéng xián guà zhe 。jiāng shàng wù qì chén chén ,jiāng pǔ hūn àn ,dàn shì chē lún yī yàng qīng xié de yuán yuè yī rán bǎ bàn zuò lóu zhào dé tōng míng 。bīng yíng lǐ shì bīng de diāo dòu qiāo xiǎng le cuī xiǎo de shēng yīn ,yuè gōng de chán (...)
mèng rù xīn liáng ,zhī dào xiāo cán shǔ 。hái zhī fǒu 。yàn jiāng chú qù 。yòu shì liú nián dù 。
①dōng liú :dōng liú xiàn ,jiù dì míng 。zhì suǒ zài jīn ān huī shěng dōng zhì xiàn dōng liú zhèn 。②yě táng :yě shēng de táng lí 。③chǎn (chàn)dì [1]:sòng shí fāng yán ,xiàng dāng yú “wú duān dì ”、“zhī shì ”。④yún píng :yún mǔ xiāng zhì de píng fēng 。⑤“lóu kōng ”jù :sū shì 《yǒng yù lè 》:“yàn zǐ lóu kōng ,jiā rén hé zài ?kōng suǒ lóu zhōng yàn 。”⑥qǐ mò :duō cǎi de dà dào ,sòng rén duō yòng yǐ zhǐ huā jiē liǔ cāng 。⑦xiān xiān yuè :xíng róng měi rén zú xiān xì 。liú guò 《qìn yuán chūn 》(yǒng měi rén zú ):“zhī hé sì ,sì yī gōu xīn yuè ,qiǎn bì (...)
yán diǎn gū dēng yuè wèi chén 。
《qī xī 》shì yóu liǎng shǒu qī yán jué jù zǔ chéng de zǔ shī ,cǐ shī wéi dì èr shǒu 。qī xī wéi nóng lì qī yuè chū qī zhī yè 。mín jiān chuán shuō niú láng zhī nǚ cǐ yè zài tiān hé xiàng huì 。hòu fù rù fù nǚ chuān zhēn qǐ qiǎo 、qí dǎo fú shòu děng huó dòng 。cǐ sú shèn gǔ ,hàn 、jìn 、nán běi cháo shū zhōng jun1 yǒu jì zǎi 。zài cǐ chún cuì de fù nǚ fēng sú jiē rì lái lín zhī jì ,dé róng zuò cǐ qī yán jué jù ,jì shù zì jǐ de gǎn xiǎng ,shū fā zì jǐ de qíng huái 。rèn hé fēng sú fēng jǐng ,qí guān gǎn tǐ yàn jiē yīn rén ér yì 。jiù sú cǐ shí ,fù nǚ yóu qí shì wèi hūn shǎo nǚ ,jìn jiē huān tiān xǐ dì ,mǎn huái chōng jǐng dì jù jí huān huì ,qí xiáng dǎo fú 。dé róng wú cǐ xīn jìng ,tā yí huò qiān niú zhī nǚ wéi shí me yào cǐ xī xiàng huì 。tā liú xīn de bú shì niú nǚ de tuán jù ,ér shì tuán jù zhī hòu de duàn cháng lí bié 。zhè zì rán yǔ tā de jiā pò guó wáng ,liú luò yì xiāng de tè shū zāo yù yǒu (...)
lí hèn xián chóu zǎo tián mǎn ,ǎn zhǔ rén fēi zhǎng shì duǎn 。xiè xiōng sǎo dé tuán luán ,péi gāo yàn huā hóng ,xià zhèng lǐ sān qiān guàn 。dù liàng kuò ,yǎn pí kuān ,bǎ duàn sòng fáng lián quán jìn guǎn 。
《qī xī 》shì yóu liǎng shǒu qī yán jué jù zǔ chéng de zǔ shī ,cǐ shī wéi dì èr shǒu 。qī xī wéi nóng lì qī yuè chū qī zhī yè 。mín jiān chuán shuō niú láng zhī nǚ cǐ yè zài tiān hé xiàng huì 。hòu fù rù fù nǚ chuān zhēn qǐ qiǎo 、qí dǎo fú shòu děng huó dòng 。cǐ sú shèn gǔ ,hàn 、jìn 、nán běi cháo shū zhōng jun1 yǒu jì zǎi 。zài cǐ chún cuì de fù nǚ fēng sú jiē rì lái lín zhī jì ,dé róng zuò cǐ qī yán jué jù ,jì shù zì jǐ de gǎn xiǎng ,shū fā zì jǐ de qíng huái 。rèn hé fēng sú fēng jǐng ,qí guān gǎn tǐ yàn jiē yīn rén ér yì 。jiù sú cǐ shí ,fù nǚ yóu qí shì wèi hūn shǎo nǚ ,jìn jiē huān tiān xǐ dì ,mǎn huái chōng jǐng dì jù jí huān huì ,qí xiáng dǎo fú 。dé róng wú cǐ xīn jìng ,tā yí huò qiān niú zhī nǚ wéi shí me yào cǐ xī xiàng huì 。tā liú xīn de bú shì niú nǚ de tuán jù ,ér shì tuán jù zhī hòu de duàn cháng lí bié 。zhè zì rán yǔ tā de jiā pò guó wáng ,liú luò yì xiāng de tè shū zāo yù yǒu (...)
míng yuè lóu gāo xiū dú yǐ ,
dù fǔ de 《jiā rén 》jì fǎn yìng kè guān cún zài de shè huì wèn tí ,(...)
wǎng chuān tú shàng kàn chūn mù ,
LI Yu – Lyrics to the Melody of Congratulations to the GroomFrom the gold burner scatter twirls of smoke in seal *,Deep in a hangover I am, in the shade is the courtyard in the afternoon,The hall is quiet and undisturbed.Where are those noblemen in search of fragrant verdure?There are only willow catkins drifting over the paths.On a jade pillow, slowly I sober become,Beyond the screen scatter the remains of blossoms after spring has passed,Steeped in tedium, I'm weak and weary from the wine I drank.Messy is my hair, though for now I don't feel like combing it.I shall not dwell on what happened in the Yangtze's south,I've travelled from place to place in search of his whereabouts,Unfortunately stray wild geese(...)



LI Yu – Lyrics to the Melody of Congratulations to the GroomFrom the gold burner scatter twirls of smoke in seal *,Deep in a hangover I am, in the shade is the courtyard in the afternoon,The hall is quiet and undisturbed.Where are those noblemen in search of fragrant verdure?There are only willow catkins drifting over the paths.On a jade pillow, slowly I sober become,Beyond the screen scatter the remains of blossoms after spring has passed,Steeped in tedium, I'm weak and weary from the wine I drank.Messy is my hair, though for now I don't feel like combing it.I shall not dwell on what happened in the Yangtze's south,I've travelled from place to place in search of his whereabouts,Unfortunately stray wild geese(...)


古今注本于荣名有二解。一说荣名即美名,又一说则谓荣名为荣禄和声名。由前说,结二句之意为人生易尽,还是珍惜声名为要;由后说,则其意变为:人生苦短,不如早取荣禄声名,及时行乐显身。二说之境界高下,颇有不同。贪按荣各一词,古籍屡见。如《战国策?齐策》:“且吾闻效小节者不能行大威,恶小耻者不能立荣名。”《淮南子?修务训》:“死有遗业,生有荣名。”其均为令誉美名之义甚明。   (...)


裴玄智 裴玄智唐人。太宗贞观间,入长安化度寺,执役十余年,戒行修谨。寺僧遂命其守无尽藏院。玄智乃密盗黄金,不知其数,寺僧不觉。后潜遁不归,仅留诗四句于屋壁。



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